Yesterday we just rode for the pure pleasure of riding. We tanked up and started off on the back roads to the water locks in Vise, Belgium. After crossing the Maas, we turned onto a side road that runs along the waterway and parked for a while. It was strange to see the barges just moored to the banks instead of moving. It appeared that the locks were closed for the day. A little while later when we had gone past the locks towards Liege, we saw a barge start in the direction of the locks, and then turn around mid-stream. There were many, many boats and barges "parked" on that side as well. I wonder what the deal was...
We went over the little bridge and onto the small route that goes around my favorite hair-pin curve and up to the village of Eben-Emael. We found a cafe on the corner of that little road and the main road through town - L' Aenchante. We were the only customers and enjoyed having the terrace all to ourselves! Occasionally the Yorkshire terrier who owned the place would come by and check on us while his "mom" cleaned and arranged the traditional Belgian centerpiece of willow branches with hollow, painted Easter eggs on them. The stems were bare except for leaf-buds that hadn't opened yet. The hope is that by Easter, the eggs will look like flowers on fully leafed-out branches. I know - I should have gotten a picture of that! Maybe I'll find another one today.
We went over the little bridge and onto the small route that goes around my favorite hair-pin curve and up to the village of Eben-Emael. We found a cafe on the corner of that little road and the main road through town - L' Aenchante. We were the only customers and enjoyed having the terrace all to ourselves! Occasionally the Yorkshire terrier who owned the place would come by and check on us while his "mom" cleaned and arranged the traditional Belgian centerpiece of willow branches with hollow, painted Easter eggs on them. The stems were bare except for leaf-buds that hadn't opened yet. The hope is that by Easter, the eggs will look like flowers on fully leafed-out branches. I know - I should have gotten a picture of that! Maybe I'll find another one today.